Notice of Lake Township, Huron County

Regular Monthly Meeting Schedules 2024-2025


The Lake Township Board of Trustees will hold meetings on the third Monday of the month for the fiscal year 2024-2025 at the Lake Township Hall, 4988 W. Kinde Rd., Caseville, MI as follows;

April - November 7:30 P.M.

December - March 6:30 P.M.

The March meeting will include the Budget Hearing for the upcoming fiscal year.


  Lake Township Board Meeting Policy 




The Lake Township Planning Commission will hold meetings for fiscal year 2024-2025 at the at the Lake Township Hall, 4988 W. Kinde Rd., Caseville, MI as follows:

Every other month (Odd numbered month l.e.  January, March, etc.)

Meeting to be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 P.M.




Special meetings or alternate meeting locations may be scheduled throughout the year and notices will be posted at the Lake Township Hall and are on the Lake Township website at Persons wishing to receive notices of changes may request to be included in the Lake Township’s email list-serve by emailing


Planning Board Rules of Participation


Zoning Board of Appeals


Schedule as necessary for various appeals. . 


Construction Board of Appeals


Scheduled on appeal 

Board of Review


Meets 3 days in March for tax assessment appeals and also meets one day in July and

December for clerical errors.  Times & dates will be posted

Fire Board


Location:  Caseville Fire Hall
Time:  7:00 pm
Day:  1st & 3rd Wednesday



Special meetings may be scheduled throughout the year and notices are posted at the Lake Township Hall and on the Lake Township website.  Persons wishing to receive notices via email may request to be included in Lake Township’s email list-serve by emailing