Permits are required for re-roof projects, please call the office at least 24 hours prior to starting a job in order to have your permit application processed. |
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Permit Applications There is a fee for the permits below that must be paid to the Township before the applications are approved. Site Permits, Building permits and Variance applications forms are also available at the Township Hall. *Garage Sales: No more than three garage, yard or basement sales conducted from residential premises are allowed in one calendar year. A permit is required for each sale and will be issued/approved by the Zoning Administrator. There is no fee. *Boat Hoist Registration: $25.00 Dollar fee for 1st hoist. $5.00 Dollar fee for a 2nd hoist. Boat Hoist - Please remember that all hoist need to be registered with the township. Please call the office to check on site availability before sending in your application and registration fee.
Application must include US Army Corp of Engineering Authorization. Note: Link will show EZ guide then scroll down to the Boat Application.
Note - Starting in the 2008 boating season we will be notifying owners of hoist that do not obtain a tag that the hoist will need to be registered or removed. *Beach Grooming Application for Minor Residential Shore Activities The US Army Corp of Engineering requires that shoreline residents obtain a permit prior to beach grooming activities. For you convenience we have provided the US Army Corp. permit application form, if you have any questions concerning beach grooming or need assistance completing the application please contact Mark Lesinski at the Saginaw Bay area office 989.684.5969. USACE application should be sent to: Attn: Mark Lesinski Bay City Field Office 1501 North Henry, Rm. #126 Bay City, Mi 48706 BURNING PERMIT INFORMATION A
Burn Permit is required if you're going to be burning leaves and
tree trimmings. Please
call the Fire Department prior to burning. >> Call 989-856-9198 << Leave
your name, address, phone number and scheduled date of burning. For further information call the Township Hall during office hours 989-856-4867 Mon - Fri 10am to 2pm